• The cumulative lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer for both men

    Heal emotional wounds. My father was diagnosed at 55 years old with stage three colon cancer.Exercise at least four days per week.I hope my story empowers you to take initiative in your own health journey, by doing the following:Book a colonoscopy when it is recommended, and do not delay. He did not heal all the factors that led to the development of his cancer, and, honestly, most patients do not realize how helpful it is to make these lifestyle changes.Take vitamin D3 (be sure your doctor checks your level of vitamin D 25OH and vitamin D 125, and keep the levels between 80 to 90).Reduce stress. My dad recovered from his cancer and I gained a very healthy outlook on the preciousness of life. Instead, he experienced a series of dangerous situations and almost lost his life multiple times—a story I will dive deeper into in my book.

    The cumulative lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer for both men and women is 6 percent.Eat tons of leafy greens to boost folate levels. My father had never gone for the recommended colonoscopy at 50 years old, as my family has had many bad medical experiences. You can reduce the amount you are exposed to by:Buying organic food. If my father had changed his diet, taken the best supplements, and detoxifiedhis body, I believe it would have improved his quality of life and could have extended his life by years.Eating grass-fed and grass-finished meat. At that time, this came as a shock to my entire family. Purchase them online today!These are simple action points everyone can follow to reduce cancer risk, improve quality of life, and live longer!.Practice gratitude.Using natural cleaning and skincare products.How can we reduce cancer risk for you? Reduce carbohydrates and sugar, boost vitamin D levels, heal the emotional baggage, and detoxify the body. It is likely thatcancerwould have been caught earlier if he had followed through with a colonoscopy. This is partly because only 38 percent of patients are diagnosed early, when the cancers are localized to the bowel wall, and it is likely that widespread implementation of screening could significantly improve the outcomes of patients like my dad. Stanley Burzynski, in Texas.

    Unfortunately, he did not completely change his lifestyle as a result of this cancer experience.Detoxing: Reducing your Cancer Risk Getintegrativehealth | NYCPosted by solisethi on December 9th, 2019In the United States, colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of mortality. It is well researched that toxins contribute to cancer development, and the digestive system, kidney, liver, thyroid, and prostate are especially susceptible to being damaged by toxins. The cancer was removed by a very talented surgeon named Dr.Reduce carbohydrates and sugar consumption. My dad would have been 69 years old this March, but he died five years ago, on April 8, 2014. John Procaccino and then treated by world-renowned integrative physician Dr.Detox, detox, detox! We are all exposed to toxins each day.

    March is Colon Cancer Awareness month, but for me, it is my dad’s birthday month.Learn more about my very own Detox Programs HERE. A colonoscopy is a simple, routine procedure that could have saved my father a Beta-Carotene Powder lot of pain and suffering. Despite advances in the management of this disease, the five-year survival rate is only 62 percent.Getting in a sauna and sweating whenever you can. For anyone that has lost a friend or loved one, both the anniversary of the day they died and their birthday are tough days, and those hard days inspired me to write this article

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